Monday, July 23, 2012

The Hummingbirds Are Here

Hummingbirds hover, particularly around red flowers. Just yesterday our neighbor alerted us to be on the look-out for hummingbirds. She thought she had spotted one. 

Our neighbor goes to great trouble to attract hummingbirds every summer. She has an old-fashioned English-flower-garden-style yard with a bounty of blossoms of many kinds. Some planted specifically to appeal to this little bird. Her goal, she says, is to get them to arrive earlier than mid-July. But in good years, when they do come, it always is about this time.

We do not make an effort to attract any specific type of birds, humming or otherwise. We have hung a few flowering baskets, some of which have red flowers. Truth be told, we picked the baskets based on the shade and sun conditions in the yard and price. Not for the aesthetic sensibilities of particular bird species. 

We also have a bird bath we keep filled with clean water. For the most part, filling the bird bath every day is as much an excuse to take our dog outside and let him play in the hose as it is to attract birds of any type. Water play in the yard is one of the few things our old dog still thoroughly enjoys, despite his trouble navigating the steps to the yard. 
 Today, while we were eating breakfast we spotted the hummingbird. Hummingbirds are about the size of locusts. I can’t tell male and female hummingbirds apart. But I’m calling our visiting hummingbird “she.”
She flitted and hovered around a hanging red geranium basket, nowhere near the bird bath. Then she buzzed over the large begonia, awash with bright red blossoms. She also popped in and out of some multi-colored petunia baskets. Then she was off.
While I suspect Ms. Hummingbird has a timetable and agenda all her own, no doubt we have profited from our neighbor’s floral devotion to the hummingbird.  I do hope she made a stop in my neighbor’s yard. Maybe next year we also will make sure we have some hanging baskets with red flowers.

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