Friday, July 29, 2011

Trip Germs Travel With Me?

Dorothy’s Idea of the Day
I woke up with a fully-formed insight totally unrelated to blovinators, debt crises, or Republicans and Democrats.  What if the upper respiratory infections I often develop while on or shortly after trips are related not to airline germs but the old travel toothbrush I leave in my suitcase?  My mind was working out ways to sanitize my toothbrush before I was fully awake. My caffeinated brain, a few minutes later, recognized that for less than the cost of bottled water at an airport terminal I could purchase a brand, spanking-new toothbrush for each trip.   Falls in the category of can’t hurt, might even help. So I am henceforth tossing my old toothbrush after each trip


  1. I shall follow your lead on this. Have my second summer cold, each following air travel. I don't think putting the old brush under a microscope would be a pretty picture.

  2. I have heard this is a good idea on NPR, actually.
    And anytime you can use "henceforth" in a sentence, I say bravo!
