Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Staying Busy in the Time of Coronavirus

There are still plenty of things to keep the average stay-at-home senior busy.

My plans for the typical day include reading the paper, thinking about what we can put together for dinner, and engaging in one or more of my new hobbies, including:

·      Calling friends I’d ordinarily see

·      Calling friends I don’t ordinarily see

·      Writing and blogging

·      Exercising

·      Trying homemade beauty techniques or beauty products stashed in the backs of cabinets

·      Taking photos of plants and flowers inside and outside our house

·      Ironing shirts that ordinarily go to the cleaners. (Just kidding—I haven’t gotten that bored yet.)

·      Scrounging back of cupboards, closets and drawers for useful, edible or amusing items

·      Checking online to see what is available. For example, is toilet paper available online and if is, is it a recognizable brand or something possibly weird? Are the 5 star reviews or 1 star reviews to be believed? So far it appears there are some exotic brands available. I have no idea what they cost, how long shipping takes, or whether they are the best thing since "Don't squeeze the Charmin" commercials raised American expectations for tp or disintegrating tissue paper. As our modest supply dwindles this will have to move from hobbies to chores list. 

·      Watching and trying to identify birds I see in our yard. My spouse’s search of his closet netted binoculars which I plan to use to help in this pursuit. So, neighbors, please know I am not spying on you if you happen to see me looking out the window with binoculars. But be on notice to not engage in any odd backyard behavior like burying bodies wrapped in rolled carpets. These are scary times. I will call 911 more quickly than Jimmy Stewart sent Grace Kelly to check on the funny goings outside his Rear Window.

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