the weekend and while we are both feeling healthy, we made a quick stop at a
neighborhood grocery to pick up some fresh produce, and whatever staples were available.
I found
tangerines, bananas, milk, the last package of fresh meat—chicken thighs--and a
few other pantry items we were getting low on. I was looking for toilet paper—none
found, and also Cheerios or rice Chex since I have a gluten allergy and cannot
eat a lot of cereals. To my surprise, while there were no regular Cheerios there
were all sorts of different varieties: cinnamon apple, honey nut crunch, raspberry
crunch (ok, I made that one up but there were some other very strange ones I don’t
recall) and also chocolate Cheerios.
I had
never even heard of chocolate Cheerios. In ordinary times, even if I had, I wouldn’t
have considered buying them. I was reasonably sure they were more expensive, higher
in calories, sugar, and other non-healthy ingredients not found in ordinary Cheerios.
But chocolate! I don’t know about you, but chocolate causes me to feel
happy, at least in a temporary burst. Must be endorphins or serotonin or some
other chemical reaction because I suddenly feel like I’m in love and all is
right with the world, even if for just a few minutes. So, I gave into my
inner child. After all, these are difficult times for all of us.
I have
eaten a lot of Cheerios in the last few years after my celiac disease
diagnosis. They are reasonably healthy, easily transportable and, even if a bit
boring, they are a quick breakfast or snack solution for me. But I had just about
gotten to the point I could not look at Cheerios without wanting to gag. I do not want to cause chocolate Cheerios to
become as scarce as toilet paper, so I will only say they are a fun variation
in breakfast foods during difficult times. But, if you should find some, please
buy just one box from the shelf and leave the rest for someone who might also really
need a chocolate high right now. Like me.
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