Saturday, January 7, 2012

Resolution Results--Week 1

I have yet to do anything about the blog resolutions.  But I am happy to report I have started to work on the personal resolutions. 

You may have noticed, my personal resolutions included the word “try” for getting rid of clutter and being on time.  That is because losing the five pounds should be easier than either of the other two.  I have yet to do anything about getting rid of clutter.  Just putting the house back to sort of normal after the holidays and after out-of-town company was all I had the time or energy for.  So maybe next week I will try to do a little clutter control.

As for being on time, I’d give myself about a 50% score.  If you were waiting for me somewhere and feel I should get a lower score feel free to chime in.  But at least twice I was on time when I might not otherwise have been.  Nevertheless, it is still a struggle to get anywhere on time.  Why is that? 

On one goal though I can count some success.  It’s so great to be back to water aerobics.  The class I attend has a great instructor and the nicest group of participants.  Instead of feeling like exercise, being in the water just makes me happy.  Except for the first few minutes of adjusting to the cold water.  Which makes me work harder to warm up.  So it is all good.

Contrary to advice I have read about weighing yourself every day, I weigh at most once a week.  After going to my exercise class three days and walking in the park most days. I lost one and a half pounds this first week I ate dessert only once, a little strawberry ice cream.  Other than that I didn’t diet.  But the first pound or two is the easiest, isn’t it?

The best part of getting back to water exercise, and even swimming a few laps, is that I feel stronger and more flexible.  And I have less aches and pains in my lower extremities.  But my shoulder/ arm and neck issues do not seem to be any better with exercise.  At least they are no worse.  I may have to make another doctor appointment to see where the radiating pain in my arm is coming from.  Maybe I need to expand that resolution list. 

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