I thought about recycling an old set of resolutions. After all, who actually accomplishes everything on their “to do” resolutions list? And who would know? But I have previously published my resolutions lists, on the rare occasions that I made one. So I figured I would start fresh.
And this year I actually have some resolutions.
The first three resolutions are personal.
1) I am going to try to be closer to on time this year. You probably noticed this resolution list is about four days late already. I usually try to squeeze in two or three more things before I leave the house to head out to an appointment. As a result I usually am late. I then blame traffic, or getting lost or whatever. I need to leave earlier and plan on traffic, getting lost, etc. In fact, I need to plan to get wherever I am going a few minutes early. Maybe then I will be on time. My strategy is to set my iPhone alarm several minutes before I need to leave and use that ring as a cut off to take the final steps: get my hat, coat, gloves, and keys, go the bathroom, whatever… and get out the door.
2) I am going to lose the five pounds I gained while I had a staph infection and was avoiding swimming and water aerobics. Unfortunately, the avoidance of my favorite exercises overlapped the holiday season and I engaged in lots of eating, especially sweets.
So my strategy is to get extra exercise and avoid desserts until I am back to my pre-Thanksgiving weight. I recently read the article about how you have to be nearly super-human to lose weight and keep it off once your body adapts to a weight gain.http://6thfloor.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/03/behind-the-cover-story-tara-parker-pope-on-obesity/?scp=1&sq=lose weight&st=cse
So my strategy is to get extra exercise and avoid desserts until I am back to my pre-Thanksgiving weight. I recently read the article about how you have to be nearly super-human to lose weight and keep it off once your body adapts to a weight gain.http://6thfloor.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/03/behind-the-cover-story-tara-parker-pope-on-obesity/?scp=1&sq=lose weight&st=cse
The good news is if the weight gain has been short term, only a few months, it may not take up permanent residence on your hips and in your brain. I think the two months these five pounds has been with me may be short enough that my body won’t notice the loss when I kick it in gear and get rid of it. At least I hope so.
3) I am going to try to get control of the clutter in my surroundings. That should allow me to make our home more user-friendly. Sounds like a description of a new software package, doesn’t it? But I am talking about more bricks and mortar, or clutter piles. Closets that are filled with useless things, rooms that have accumulated piles of unfinished projects, and plastic tubs packed with stuff no longer needed or wanted. Out this stuff needs to go.
All three of the foregoing resolutions are of the type most of us make on a regular basis. That is, unless you never gain excess weight, are neat and tidy and immediately get rid of all clutter, and always arrive at the time you say you will. Is there anyone out there like that? If so, will you share your secrets?
My next post will be about my goals for this blog. Looking forward to writing fro you, my readers, and I hope hearing back from you.
My next post will be about my goals for this blog. Looking forward to writing fro you, my readers, and I hope hearing back from you.
rather sounds like my goals - at least the last two do. I think I was too late to get in on the first one.