Friday, September 23, 2011

Obama's On Right Track

Paul Krugman of the NY Times is right when he concurs with Obama's call for millionaires to pay a fairer share in taxes. Middle class Americans struggle to pay for housing, food, medical care and other necessities. Well educated young folks and baby-boomers nearing retirement age compete for the same low-paying jobs. Some of the unemployed have just given up hope.  Meanwhile luxury goods are the only items flying off the shelves.  As Krugman reports, income for the very rich rose 480% compared to 21% for middle income Americans between 1979 and 2005. All I can say is WOW!

Krugman is wrong when he says we don't have class warfare going on.  It's been ongoing ever since the Republicans last took the White House. George W. Bush took us into two wars, at least one on false pretenses, at the same time he cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans. He and irresponsible anti-government no-nothings eliminated the types of protections that keep our financial institutions in sound condition.

Obama took office with the horrendous mess left by his predecessor. He has made mistakes, primarily in  believing the opposition party would behave rationally and compromise in the best interest of the  greater good.

Our infrastructure is crumbling.  Look at  Kentuckians and Hoosiers who can't cross the Sherman Minton bridge on I-64. Two old bridges left to try to handle traffic that was outstripping all three. And that is just one of many examples you could consider. We need more government spending on some of these public structures and services  rich and poor alike use.

About time someone considered the greater good and looked out for a class other than just those with millions to hire high-priced lawyers and lobbyists already fighting in this class war. 

Let's cheer for Obama asking millionaires to pay a little bit closer to their fair share in taxes.  Maybe we could even have another bridge to cross the Ohio River,

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